Social media doesn’t just belong to Marketing anymore. Actions that a social media manager take can seriously impact all other departments such as Sales and Support, and it’s something to keep in mind when monitoring.
According to research from Social Centered Selling and A Sales Guy, 72.6% of salespeople who incorporated social media into their process outperformed their colleagues. In addition, socially savvy reps beat their quotas 23% more often. We call this social selling.
72% of people who complain on Twitter expect a response within one hour. In the samestudy, 60% of respondents cited negative consequences to the brand if they didn’t receive timely Twitter responses. Twitter is the new phone for customer support, and these stats prove the importance of a quick response when someone has an issue with your brand.
A new study released by BRANDfog suggests that social CEOs are better leaders who can strengthen brands, build trust in products and services, demonstrate brand values, and communicate accountability -- all by simply being on a social network.
How To Monitor Social Media In 13 Minutes A Day
In anything you do, it’s important to set a goal for yourself, and monitoring social media should be no different.
That’s why it’s critical to set SMART goals.
Here’s what we mean by setting a SMART goal:
Specific -- Do set real numbers with real deadlines. Don’t say, “I want more visitors.”
Measurable -- Do make sure that you can track your goal. Don’t hide behind buzzwords like “brand engagement” or “social influence.”
Attainable -- Do work toward a goal that is challenging but possible. Don’t try to take over the world in one night.
Realistic -- Do be honest with yourself, because you know what you and your team are capable of. Don’t forget any hurdles you may have to overcome.
Time-bound -- Do give yourself a deadline. Don’t keep pushing towards a goal you might hit “some day.”
If you’ve never set a goal for social media monitoring before, start by aligning your monitoring goals with your department’s goals. For example, if you’re monitoring from the Sales department, maybe you should set a goal for yourself to interact with 10 prospects per week on social media.
Download our FREE ebook: How to Monitor Social Media In 13 Minutes A Day.
In order to successfully monitor social media in just 13 minutes a day, you’ll need to have some things prepared in advance. Even visiting each social network’s URL and logging in could take up to 10 minutes a day. We’ll show you a way you can limit that as much as possible by creating a daily plan upfront to help you streamline your process.
If you are considering investing in a paid tool to help aid your monitoring, there are a handful that help with social media monitoring, interacting, and marketing strategy. For example, HubSpot software includes a social media monitoring tool as a part of its complete marketing software package.
For now, let’s talk about each social network assuming you don’t have any paid tools readily available. Some free social media monitoring tools you might want to check out include TweetDeck, Google Alerts, Topsy, and Social Mention.
Most likely (if you’re taking the free approach), you are looking for industry tweets, @replies, and mentions of your business. Go to where you can conduct searches for your competitors, industry terms, executives’ names, and whatever else may be relevant to your business.
Your Facebook Business Page timeline is the ‘home’ where your business’ fans, friends,customers, and critics can all interact directly with your company. They can post questions, comments, feedback, or fan mail. Fellow fans of your business may interact with each other. Many individuals will interact with the content your business has posted itself.
If you’re monitoring for a brand, make sure to check comments on LinkedIn Company Page posts. You’ll likely find the volume here is much less than that of Twitter and Facebook, but you’ll still receive comments occasionally and you should be aware and on the lookout for those that need answers.
Google Alerts
If someone posts a question about your company and there is no representation from your company among a stream of answers, that is a lost opportunity to guide the message (or deflect negative sentiment). Add your company’s name as a Google Alert to find these types of questions and inquiries.
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