You have had a Kaizen event on the shop floor as part of your continuous improvement strategy. What if you could do the same with your marketing? If the you only got 3 new customers would it be worth the effort?
The principles of a Kaizen event are very straightforward:
- Pick a specific area for improvement.
- Identify opportunities for improvement.
- Prioritize actions.
- Set a timeline.
- Measure progress.
One thing that makes this approach successful is the implementation of small incremental changes. You are not changing everything at once. Plan.Do.Check.Act.
A recent survey showed 57% of businesses plan to redesign their website in the next 12 months. Anyone that has been involved in such an undertaking knows it is very expensive and time consuming. Most people settle for done versus perfect. I don't know about you, but for me this sounds like a good place to apply Kaizen.
Imagine the frustration you could avoid by continually improving your marketing using Kaizen events.
Marketing can really be broken down to 3 simple steps/principles:
- Right Message
- Right Audience
- Right Time
Knowing this we can use these 3 steps to implementing Kaizen in Marketing.
- Right Message- Content Audit
- Right Audience- Buyer Persona
- Right Time- Content Mapping through the Buyers Journey
Content Mapping allows you to use Buyer Personas and Buyers Journey to create targeted content. Once you identified the Buyer Persona you match/create content for each step in their buying process. Check out this FREE resource from HubSpot to help you get started.
Once you have generated content and mapped it to match Buyer Personas and the Buyer Journey, the continuous improvement cycle can begin. A Content Audit allows you to identify gaps in your current marketing and as you identify new markets you can see what existing content can be modified to specifically address these new opportunities. We strongly recommend a set schedule for your content audits.
We are providing a Content Audit workbook to help you in this effort.
You might also be interested in our Marketing For Manufacturers page.